
I haven’t posted for a while – been busy and out Having Experiences and such.  Admittedly I also haven’t been taking as many pictures for the last few days.

Desert Fortresses

We visited several ruins outside Khiva. Some dated back as far as 1st century B.C.

I was sick in Bukhara, but I was only out of commission for a day or so. We discovered that dancing at restaurants is universal here, at least for the women, and K & co got dragged up to join them.

We saw the sights

obeyed the rules (no over display of affection)

and enjoyed the company of pigeons, courtesy of a man devoted to the cause.

I’ll leave it at that for now. Still having a lot of fun (and we’re all pretty much better, aside from Dee, who has discovered that you can buy amoxicillin over the counter here. She’ll be okay.)





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